Thursday, July 10, 2008

Light Takes On Color

You've heard me say many times that the best way to use your flash is to get it off your camera. And then when it is off your camera, you need to diffuse the light by shooting through an umbrella, diffuser, or bouncing the light off a wall, ceiling, reflector, etc. Today's blog is a warning and tip on bouncing your flash.

When light is bounced an object, it takes on the color of that object. For instance, if you bounce your flash off a wall that is red, your subject will be lit with red light. This may be cool if you mean to do it, but usually people don't look good with weird colors on their face. So pay attention to what you use for bounce. If there is no close wall that is white or at least close to white, use someone wearing a white shirt... seriously!

The inside of our front door is white and I bounced my flash off the door to take this picture of Ainsley on Easter:


I ended up with beautiful, diffused light and, other than her not so excited expression, a great picture. So pay attention to what you are bouncing your flash off of the next time you are out.

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