Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Foggy iPhone Tuesday

For this week's iPhone photo, I took a shot on the way to work the other day when our city was covered in fog. You can just see the headlights from a car coming at me. Very moody photo, and kinda cool, too!


Again, taken with the iPhone and used the iPhone application "Camera Bag" to process it. That's it. Have a great day, and don't forget to get your "Morning" picture for the assignment tomorrow. See you then!


  1. Here is my shot for the week, hopefully I will be doing more assignments soon. http://www.flickr.com/photos/bigfootlefty/3213567137/
    I used a shurefire led light to brighten the sign, then lowered the blue levels on the sign slighty to compensate for the led light.

  2. cool picture. great idea using the LED light!
