Monday, January 26, 2009


I'm always posting pictures of Ainsley or Braxton (mostly Ainsley because she's old enough to cooperate), but never of my beautiful wife, Brooke. We recently moved into a new office, and I wanted to frame a picture of Brooke to put on the wall there. My favorite recent picture of her I took on Thanksgiving Day at Lakeside Inn in Mount Dora, FL. There were a couple of chairs down by the lake and we were actually setting them up to take a portrait of Ainsley and Braxton. I told Brooke to sit there so I could get the settings correct before we moved the kids in place (you don't get much time with them!). As soon as I snapped it, I knew I had a keeper. Brooke has one of the best smiles you've ever seen and for 1/1000th of a second, it was on full display! Of course I love how the light rims her out and the setting is perfect, but Brooke made this picture. Love you, Babe!


1 comment:

  1. Great post, let us never forget our spouses or significant others who put up with our hobbies even if it is helping pay the bills right.
