Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Name, New Look, New Blog

I've been working on a new brand for the business. One of the things that had been bothering me was the name BDW Photography. I am always having to tell people, "B as in Brian, D as in David..." So I have changed the business' name to Brian Williams Photography. Also, the domain name has been changed to You can email me at

With the new name, comes a new logo and look to the website, blog, Twitter, and Facebook page. If you haven't already, follow me over at Twitter and become a fan of my Facebook page. Thanks!

Your comments about all the "newness" are welcome here at this post. Of course, if you hate it, it's probably too bad because I doubt I'll be spending anymore time on this!

New pics coming soon!



  1. The name change is a good move. Photography is such a personal business; the reason clients will hire you ultimately is that they like you and your work. On both accounts, you have something great going here. Bravo!

  2. Love the new look, name & logo. The latest beach pic was fantastic! Looking forward to more pictures soon.

