Monday, November 24, 2008

On-Axis Fill Continued...

Tonight I continued to experiment with on-axis fill. This time in a more controlled environment in the studio (garage). The setup was as follows:

1. main light (SB800) high and at a 45* angle from my subject camera right - shooting through a Lastolite tri-grip diffuser
2. fill light (SB800) directly behind me and the camera just above my shoulders - also shooting through a tri-grip
3. ratios - I used TTL and set the fill light to -2.3 stops beneath my main light

So the thought is that I could fill in some of the shadows without creating a "new" light source from a different direction. I'm starting to like this technique. There has been a lot of talk about it lately over at My model tonight was my beautiful daughter Ainsley, however, that meant I only had a couple of shots to get it right before she got bored. Here are a couple for you to look at:



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