This last weeks' assignment was:
Adding a person in action to a photo tells a story about that action but can drastically un-personate the photo, since the person is busy with the action, not the observer. Adding a second person in action to a portrait of someone can solve this. Take a portrait of a person with one or more people in the background doing the same occupation. (example: portrait of a construction worker with his crew building something in the background)
Here's the shot from this week (click for a larger version):
The plan was to shoot at the driving range so there would be people in the background hitting balls, and the driving range itself would add a setting. I originally had planned on doing this after dark so I could use a slow enough shutter speed to give a motion blur to someone actually swinging right behind her, but we had both kids with us and waiting for the sun to go down was not going to be an option. But this was the last frame I got before Braxton started to get fussy and it's the one I ended up using.
I shot this at 1/50 at f/22 with my 17-35mm lens at 17mm. I had one strobe on a stand to the camera's left and it fired at 1/2 power.
I'm looking forward to seeing the shots you came up with this week. Here is your new assignment (I took this one from a Flickr group called Photography Critique Assignments):
This week, use your camera to capture your vision of architecture – be it an indoor feature or an external façade. You can treat it, texture it, do whatever you want to it, but it must be architectural as in a building or manmade feature within a construct. Grab your camera and gear and go out and capture something that you will be proud to print and hang on your wall. This assignment is due next Wednesday and you will be able to post it in the comments of that day's blog.
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